Entrance into the first study year shall be performed on the basis of the University public invitation for application for all study programmes.
The invitation shall be published in a daily issued in Montenegro and run on the University website.
The invitation shall be published for each enrolment date.
The first enrolment date shall be in the second half of June. When the number of enrolled students is below the defined number, then the second and third enrolment dates shall be organized.
The second enrolment date shall be organised in the first half of July.
The third enrolment date shall be in the second half of August.
The University Senate may anticipate in their decision on public invitation for application to enroll defined number of students in two enrolment dates with the percentage ratio defined in the decision.
Enhancement of cyber educational system of Montenegro
EAGLE (EnhAnced Government LEarning): A learning solution for public administration
Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at Higher Education Institutions in Montenegro
European Research and Educational Collaboration with Western Balkans
Public Health in Montenegro
Harmonising Open data in the Mediterranean through better access and Reuse of public sector information
Structured UNiversity mobility between the Balkans and Europe for the Adriatic-ionian Macro-region
Blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge in technology enhanced learning
Lightning Activity Monitoring SystemLightning Activity Monitoring System