On the basis of interinstitutional agreement for credit mobility as part of European program ERASMUS+, Mediterranean University, Podgorica, announced the contest for exchange of students at Middlle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, in 2017/2018.
Students attending II and III year of undergraduate studies and students of postgraduate studies can apply for mobility as long as their studies are in one of the following subjects:
- Business English language
- Information technology
- Business studies
- Graphic design
Level of studies – undergraduate and postgraduate studies
Mobility length – 5 months (fall/winter term 2017/2018)
Necessary documents for application
Undergraduate studies:
- Application Form
- CV made in Europass format (click here)
- English language proficiency certificate– TOEFL/IELTS or verification from students’ parent Faculty (English Proficiency Document)
- University/Academic transcript
- Motivation letter
- Passport copy
- Confirmation of study
- Recommendation letter
- Contest application confirmation (Home University Confirmation Letter)
- Other documents (diplomas, certificates etc.)
Postgraduate studies:
- Application Form
- CV in Europass format (click here)
- English language proficiency certificate – TOEFL/IELTS or verification from students’ parent Faculty (English porficiency Document)
- University/Academic transcript
- Recommendation letter
- Research proposal
- Passport copy
- Confirmation of study
- Contest application confirmation (Home University Confirmation Letter)
- All the documents must be in English language.
- Candidates who don’t possess internationally recognized certificates of language knowledge, such as TOEFL or IALTS, can be tested at the Faculty of Foreign languages.
- Candidates who already participated in Erasmus Mundus programs are in obligation to specify it in their application forms.
- Candidates who had Erasmus Mundus program scholarships for mobility for a period of 1 year (2 terms) CAN NOT participate in ERASMUS+ programs for mobility of students.
- Postgraduate studies candidates can apply for scholarships but only for the purpose of learning (attending of lectures and taking exams), but not for the purpose of researching and working on a Master’s thesis.
You can find more information about the Middle East Techincal University here and at the following website http://ico.metu.edu.tr/ .
All the necessary documentation should be delievered to Office for International Cooperation of the University (The Rectorate, II Floor) or at the website erasmus@unimediteran.net
For additional information, please contact us via the following e-mail erasmus@unimediteran.net