The Faculty of Information Technology and the Italian based company OmnitechIT have signed an cooperation agreement aimed at education and employment of primarily graduated students of FIT in the companies representative office in Montenegro.
This is the first case of cooperation between an international IT company and an academic institution in Montenegro which provides talented IT students and experienced software and network engineers to improve their knowledge and develop competences in a dynamic international environment while still remaining in Montenegro and contributing to the development of domestic IT market. OmnitechIT recognized the Faculty of Information Technology as a partner for further cooperations in Montenegro, primarily due to a specific curriculum which provides students with the acquisition of higher level of both theoretical and practical knowledge in the IT field. The framework of cooperation includes joint researches as well as other projects and establishing cooperating condition with other academic institutions, IT companies and other related institutions.
OmnitechIT Montenegro will deal with the development and implementation of specialized IT security software. In addition, the aim of OmnitechIT Montenegro is the development of various software solutions and mobile applications as well as the integration and implementation for the Montenegrin market and the regional markets. Students who pass the OmnitechIT vocational training program first at the Faculty of Information Technology, then at the company’s headquarters in Italy, will be qualified for development and consulting services in the company’s operations throughout Europe and Asia. The training is held by professors from FIT and IT experts from the OmnitechIT company. The travel expenses as well as the accommodation costs and the cost of training are to be paid by OmnitechIT.
On Tuesday, November 28, at the premises of “Mediterranean” University in Podgorica, a press conference was held where the cooperation and the opening of the OmnitechIT Montenegro office were presented. The presentation was attended by Vincenzo Sarcina – Executive Director of OmnitechIT Montenegro and the Dean of FIT prof. Dr. Snežana Šćepanović. It was emphasized that this is an example of successful cooperation between Montenegrin Academic Institutions, young domestic IT experts and foreign capital in the IT field.
OmnitechIT Montenegro CEO Vincenzo Sarcina presented the OmnitechIT activities and explained how they have offices all over Europe as well as the United Arab Emirates, stressing that their focus is on young people with bright ideas. Since 2016, OmnitechIT has been operating in Serbia with plans to further expand the company in the Western Balkans and countries of Eastern Europe.
“We give support to young,innovative students and IT experts with the goal to keep the best of the best from the IT field in our very own offices all around the world, and so is our goal in Montenegro too. This helps them develop their competences and also contribute to the development of the community”, Sarcina said.
Vice-dean of FIT, Prof. Dr. Snežana Šćepanović explained that the OmnitechIT company, by researching the Montenegrin market, recognized this institution as fit to be its first partner, taking into account the quality of study plans and programs. She pointed out that this company is pretty specific when it comes to employment: “Today, information technology allows young people to not have to leave their home countries in order to find better employment or salaries and living conditions. Now, technology provides young people with the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and also have a good work experience in our country as well. This means that through the cooperation between FIT and OmnitechIT our best IT experts will have an opportunity to stay in Montenegro, and not have to go abroad.”
Prof. Šćepanović emphasized:” The demand for IT experts in the world is constantly on the rise. Studies show that the required number of IT experts will increase by 4,5 times by the year 2020. Large companies are increasingly using outsourcing and opening up offices in Asia as well as East European countries. Hiring new IT experts gives countries the edge when it comes to market competitiveness, with also the possibility of expanding the market. The entry of OmnitechIT, which is an international IT company, into the East European market is an indicator of forthcoming changes that are to happen to our very own market. Montenegro must use these opportunities in order to become part of the global IT market and at the same time provide employment for young people in the field of IT here in Montenegro. In that sense, the academic institutions and the state itself must provide maximum assistance.”