Software engineering

Course Software engineering
Study program Academic Studies: Information Systems
Status Obligatory Semester Winter(V) ECTS/CSPK 6

The course covers fundamentals of software engineering using a group project as the basic vehicle. Topics covered include software process and models, managing complexity, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, testing and analysis, CASE tools and environments for modelling software systems.

Students will learn to solve practical problems of specifying, designing, and building large, reliable software systems.

Preconditions Basic knowledge of object oriented programming
Teaching methods

This course will include lectures, practical exsercises, in-class discussions, case studies, presentations, guest speakers, individual student research and short presentation, and a group project presentation.

Use of the Moodle Learning platform to further support communication, by posting lecture notes, assignment instruction, timely announcements, and online submission of


Programming web and mobile applications

CourseProgramming web and mobile applications
Study program

Academic Studies: Information Technology

orientation: Software Engineering


After completing the course you will be able to independently create simpler GUI mobile apps, and publish them on the Market. The course describes the use of the environment for creating mobile applications and creating them. Elementary concepts related to mobile platforms will be clarified and their use described. The attendee will learn how to create simple mobile applications with the help of development tools / programs for the Android mobile platform Eclipse and Android SDK and starts them on the emulator or the real device.

Objectives of the course are:

  • Getting to know the development environment and Android emulator
  • The basics of Android programming
  • Android user interface
  • Design of the user interface using a view
  • Persistence of data
  • Providing content
  • Sending messages
  • Services that depend on the location of the user
PreconditionsNo Preconditions
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises and laboratory exercises.

Software Project Management

CourseSoftware Project Management
Study program

Academic Studies: Information Technology

orientation: Software Engineering

DescriptionThrough studying the topics envisaged by this curriculum, students should adopt knowledge from the basics of methodology of managing software projects, advanced platform neutral modelling of object-oriented software applications by using UML, rules of good design of object-oriented softwares using the design of pattern and rules for writing a quality object-oriented code through refactoring. The ultimate goal is to train students for successful understanding of advanced techniques and application development methods.
PreconditionsPassed exam in Software Engineering. Mastered material in detail from the course Programming I and II, Web programming, as well as sufficient knowledge of materials from the course Data structures and algorithms.
Teaching methodsLectures, practical classes, seminars, homework, colloquium and final exam. Consultations.

English Language 5

CourseEnglish Language 5
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionDevelopment and improvement of students’ English language skills in the context of Information and Communication Technology at intermediate language level.
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, project, reading, mid-term exams, final exam. Consultations.

XML technologies

CourseXML technologies
Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionThis course introduces basic concepts of XML technologies. Students will acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, and they will be able to use XML technologies in software systems.
PreconditionsNo preconditions
Teaching methodslectures, exercises, consultations, colloquiums and final exam


English Language 6

CourseEnglish Language 6
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionDevelopment and improvement of students’ English language skills in the context of Information and Communication Technology at intermediate language level.
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, project, reading, mid-term exams, final exam. Consultations.

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

CourseHuman Computer Interaction (HCI)
Study programAcademic studies: Information Systems
DescriptionHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI) is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. On the practical side, this means the principles and methods with which one builds effective user interfaces. A basic precept of HCI is that users should be able to get things done through the computer, without having to pay attention to the intricacies of complex software. Interfaces must be accessible, meaningful, visually consistent, comprehensive, accurate, and oriented around the tasks that users tend to perform. The course will provide a balance of practical and theoretical knowledge, giving students experience ordinarily not provided by other courses in computer science.
PreconditionsThere are no formal prerequisites, but in order to successfully follow lectures and master the field, students need a basic knowledge of Software and Information Systems Design.
Teaching methods

This course will include lectures, practical exercises, in-class discussions, case studies, presentations, guest speakers, individual student research and short presentation, and a final group project presentation.

Use of the Moodle Learning platform to further support communication, by posting lecture notes, assignment instruction, timely announcements, and online quizzes or submission of assignments.

Intelligent systems

CourseIntelligent systems
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionMastering the basic concepts, techniques, languages ​​and tools for creating intelligent software systems
PreconditionsThere are no preconditions, but it is desirable for students to master the material of the subject of XML technology
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises, homework.

Information systems design

CourseInformation systems design
Study programAcademic studies: Information systems

The focus of this course is on introducing the entire process of designing information system from user requirements to functional modelling of the process. One of the objectives of the course is to students acquire knowledge and skills in the domain of the information system development process. Applying UML concepts, students will be trained to model user requirements, analyse, design and develop information systems. For the development of service-oriented applications, the concept of service-oriented architecture is introduced.

PreresquisitesNo prerequisites
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, labs, colloquiums and final exam. Consultations


Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionThe student, in cooperation with the professor who is the mentor in the design of the project, identifies the problem from the practice in the field of information and communication technologies which can be solved using the acquired knowledge in basic studies. The student's independent work on the project development demonstrates the practical application of knowledge and develops / implements a solution that provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the overall knowledge acquired in the field of ICT with special qualifications in the field of information (information systems, computer networks, software engineering)
PreresquisitesThe student can take the exam only after previously passing all subjects at the undergraduate studies.
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises and laboratory exercises

Security and Protection of Information Systems

CourseSecurity and Protection of Information Systems
Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionAcquiring knowledge in the field of security and protection of information systems. Students will be presented with possible methods of protection, as well as potential risks of compromising information systems.
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites
Teaching methodsTeaching is performed through lectures, discussions with application of multimedia content and application of methods for distance education. Practical classes include practical work with selected e-learning tools and project assignment with application of selected tools and technologies, analysis of selected case studies.


Administracija informacionih sistema

Naziv predmetaAdministracija IS
Studijski program

Akademske studije: Informacione tehnologije, 

smjer: Informacioni sistemi

Status predmetaobavezniSemestarVECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Studenti treba da ovladaju znanjima i tehnikama iz oblasti administracije IS-a. Treba da usvoje tehnike koje se bave metodološkim i tehnološkim, apsektima u oblasti sistemske i mrežne administracije.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaPredavanja i laboratorijske vježbe.

Program translators


Program translators
Study program

Academic Studies: Information Technology,

orientation: Information systems

DescriptionIntroduce students with the basics of creating a compiler. Translating one programming language to another, using a compiler. Using the tools for creating a compiler and familiarizing students with the way they are implemented.
PreconditionsNo preconditions
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises and work on the project.

Održavanje informacionih sistema

Naziv predmeta Održavanje informacionih sistema
Studijski program

Akademske studije: Informacione tehnologije, 

smjer: Informacioni sistemi

Status predmeta obavezni Semestar VI ECTS/CSPK 5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta) Sticanje znanja iz oblasti održavanja informacionih sistema. Studentima će biti predočeni mogući modeli održavanja, kao i tehnologije održavanja
Uslovljenost drugim predmetima Nema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradiva Predavanja, vjezbe, kolokvijumi i završni ispit. Konsultacije

Poslovni informacioni sistemi

Naziv predmetaPoslovni informacioni sistemi
Studijski programAkademske studije: Informacione tehnologije
Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Cilj predmeta Poslovni informacioni sistemi jeste da upozna studente sa osnovnom strukturom, funkcionisanjem i koncepcijom savremenih poslovnih informacionih sistema.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaPredavanja i laboratorijske vježbe

Multimedijalni sistemi

Naziv predmetaMultimedijalni sistemi
Studijski program

Akademske studije: Informacione tehnologije

Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK6
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Upoznavanje studenta sa svim aspektima savremenih multimedijalnih informacionih sistema.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaNastava se odvija kroz predavanja, diskusije uz primjenu multimedijalnih sadržaja i primjenom metoda za daljinsko obrazovanje. Vježbe obuhvataju praktičan rad sa izabranim alatima za e-učenje i projektni zadatak uz primjenu izabranih alata i tehnologija, analizu odabranih studija slučajeva.



Software engineering

CourseSoftware engineering
Study programAcademic Studies: Software Engineering

The course covers fundamentals of software engineering using a group project as the basic vehicle. Topics covered include software process and models, managing complexity, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, testing and analysis, CASE tools and environments for modelling software systems.

Students will learn to solve practical problems of specifying, designing, and building large, reliable software systems.

PreconditionsBasic knowledge of object oriented programming
Teaching methods

This course will include lectures, practical exsercises, in-class discussions, case studies, presentations, guest speakers, individual student research and short presentation, and a group project presentation.

Use of the Moodle Learning platform to further support communication, by posting lecture notes, assignment instruction, timely announcements, and online submission of


Programming web and mobile applications

CourseProgramming web and mobile applications
Study program

Academic Studies: Information Technology

orientation: Software Engineering


After completing the course you will be able to independently create simpler GUI mobile apps, and publish them on the Market. The course describes the use of the environment for creating mobile applications and creating them. Elementary concepts related to mobile platforms will be clarified and their use described. The attendee will learn how to create simple mobile applications with the help of development tools / programs for the Android mobile platform Eclipse and Android SDK and starts them on the emulator or the real device.

Objectives of the course are:

  • Getting to know the development environment and Android emulator
  • The basics of Android programming
  • Android user interface
  • Design of the user interface using a view
  • Persistence of data
  • Providing content
  • Sending messages
  • Services that depend on the location of the user
PreconditionsNo Preconditions
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises and laboratory exercises.

Kontrola kvaliteta i testiranje softvera

Naziv predmetaKontrola kvaliteta i testiranje softvera
Studijski program

Specijalističke studije: Informacione tehnologije 

Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Studenti se obučavaju za ovladavanje upravljanjem kvalitetom softvera
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradiva 

Software Project Management

CourseSoftware Project Management
Study program

Academic Studies: Information Technology

orientation: Software Engineering

DescriptionThrough studying the topics envisaged by this curriculum, students should adopt knowledge from the basics of methodology of managing software projects, advanced platform neutral modelling of object-oriented software applications by using UML, rules of good design of object-oriented softwares using the design of pattern and rules for writing a quality object-oriented code through refactoring. The ultimate goal is to train students for successful understanding of advanced techniques and application development methods.
PreconditionsPassed exam in Software Engineering. Mastered material in detail from the course Programming I and II, Web programming, as well as sufficient knowledge of materials from the course Data structures and algorithms.
Teaching methodsLectures, practical classes, seminars, homework, colloquium and final exam. Consultations.

English Language 5

CourseEnglish Language 5
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionDevelopment and improvement of students’ English language skills in the context of Information and Communication Technology at intermediate language level.
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, project, reading, mid-term exams, final exam. Consultations.

XML technologies

CourseXML technologies
Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionThis course introduces basic concepts of XML technologies. Students will acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, and they will be able to use XML technologies in software systems.
PreconditionsNo preconditions
Teaching methodslectures, exercises, consultations, colloquiums and final exam


Security and Protection of Software

CourseSecurity and Protection of Software
Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionIntroduce students with technical means for implementation of certain forms of protection and security of information systems. Students acquire knowledge in setting up certain security measures, as well as the way of creating and managing the protection of software system.
PrerequisitesSoftware engineering
Teaching methodsLectures and laboratory exercises

Software design and development

CourseSoftware design and development
Study program

Academic studies: Information Technologies

Orientation: Software Engineering


Through the course students will master knowledge and techniques in the field of software engineering and software development. The objective of this course is to introduce methodological and technological aspects in the field of software products development.

PrerequisitesSoftware engineering
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, labs, colloquiums and final exam. Consultations


Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionThe student, in cooperation with the professor who is the mentor in the design of the project, identifies the problem from the practice in the field of information and communication technologies which can be solved using the acquired knowledge in basic studies. The student's independent work on the project development demonstrates the practical application of knowledge and develops / implements a solution that provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the overall knowledge acquired in the field of ICT with special qualifications in the field of information (information systems, computer networks, software engineering)
PreresquisitesThe student can take the exam only after previously passing all subjects at the undergraduate studies.
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises and laboratory exercises

Intelligent systems

Course Intelligent systems
Study program Academic Studies: Information Technology
Status Obligatory Semester Summer(VI) ECTS/CSPK 6
Description Mastering the basic concepts, techniques, languages ​​and tools for creating intelligent software systems
Preconditions There are no preconditions, but it is desirable for students to master the material of the subject of XML technology
Teaching methods Lectures, exercises, homework.

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

CourseHuman Computer Interaction (HCI)
Study programAcademic studies: Software Engineering
DescriptionHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI) is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. On the practical side, this means the principles and methods with which one builds effective user interfaces. A basic precept of HCI is that users should be able to get things done through the computer, without having to pay attention to the intricacies of complex software. Interfaces must be accessible, meaningful, visually consistent, comprehensive, accurate, and oriented around the tasks that users tend to perform. The course will provide a balance of practical and theoretical knowledge, giving students experience ordinarily not provided by other courses in computer science.
PreconditionsThere are no formal prerequisites, but in order to successfully follow lectures and master the field, students need a basic knowledge of Software and Information Systems Design.
Teaching methods

This course will include lectures, practical exercises, in-class discussions, case studies, presentations, guest speakers, individual student research and short presentation, and a final group project presentation.

Use of the Moodle Learning platform to further support communication, by posting lecture notes, assignment instruction, timely announcements, and online quizzes or submission of assignments.

English Language 6

CourseEnglish Language 6
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionDevelopment and improvement of students’ English language skills in the context of Information and Communication Technology at intermediate language level.
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, project, reading, mid-term exams, final exam. Consultations.


Multimedijalni sistemi

Naziv predmetaMultimedijalni sistemi
Studijski programAkademske studije: Informacione tehnologije
Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK6
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Upoznavanje studenta sa svim aspektima savremenih multimedijalnih informacionih sistema.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaNastava se odvija kroz predavanja, diskusije uz primjenu multimedijalnih sadržaja i primjenom metoda za daljinsko obrazovanje. Vježbe obuhvataju praktičan rad sa izabranim alatima za e-učenje i projektni zadatak uz primjenu izabranih alata i tehnologija, analizu odabranih studija slučajeva.

Konfiguracija i održavanje softvera

Naziv predmetaKonfiguracija i održavanje softvera
Studijski program

Akademske studije: Informacione tehnologije

smjer: Softverski inženjering

Status predmetaobavezniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Studenti se obučavaju praktično korišćenje nekog razvojnog okruženja u testiranju softvera
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaPoloženi ispiti  Programiranje II i Web programiranje
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradiva 

Kontrola kvaliteta i testiranje softvera

Naziv predmetaKontrola kvaliteta i testiranje softvera
Studijski program

Specijalističke studije: Informacione tehnologije 

Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Studenti se obučavaju za ovladavanje upravljanjem kvalitetom softvera
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradiva 


Course Compilers
Study program

Academic studies: Information technologies 

Orientation: Software engineering

Status Obligatory Semester Winter(V) ECTS/CSPK 5
Description The course covers basic graphical elements creation, graphical processing of existing elements, developing and designing of web content, processing of photography and adopting for publishing on web or other media, working with digital multimedia presentations and graphics projects.
Preconditions None
Teaching methods Lectures, practice, workshops, home works, exams and consultations.

Distribuirani softverski sistemi

Naziv predmetaDistribuirani softverski sistemi
Studijski program

Akademske studije: Informacione tehnologije, 

smjer:  Softverski inženjering

Status predmetaizborniSemestarVECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Studenti se obučavaju za praktično korišćenje nekog razvojnog u testiranju softvera
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaPoloženi ispit Programiranje II i Web programiranje



Software engineering

CourseSoftware engineering
Study programAcademic Studies: Computer networks and telecommunications

The course covers fundamentals of software engineering using a group project as the basic vehicle. Topics covered include software process and models, managing complexity, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, testing and analysis, CASE tools and environments for modelling software systems.

Students will learn to solve practical problems of specifying, designing, and building large, reliable software systems.

PreconditionsBasic knowledge of object oriented programming
Teaching methods

This course will include lectures, practical exsercises, in-class discussions, case studies, presentations, guest speakers, individual student research and short presentation, and a group project presentation.

Use of the Moodle Learning platform to further support communication, by posting lecture notes, assignment instruction, timely announcements, and online submission of


Telecommunication Systems


Telecommunication Systems

Study program

Academic studies: Information Technologies

Orientation: Computer Networks and Telecommunications


Introduction to the theory basics of transmission and processing of signals. Analysis of basic problems in signal transmission. Defining concepts important for understanding the functionality of modern telecommunications systems. Descriptions and review of the most representative telecommunications systems: their elements, technical principles on which they are based, characteristics and methods. Introduction to the architecture and organization of public and mobile telephony systems, functional and broadcasting systems.

PreconditionsPassed exam of the course Computer telecommunications
Teaching methodsLectures, practice, workshops, home works, exams and consultations.

Servers Operating Systems

CourseServers Operating Systems
Study program

Academic studies: Information Technologies

Orientation: Computer Networks and Telecommunications

DescriptionThe course covers principles of work of servers operating systems used in Windows or Linux platforms and allows student to configure and run such systems.
Teaching methodsLectures, practice, workshops, home works, exams and consultations.

Computer Network Administration

CourseComputer Network Administration
Study programAcademic studies: Information Technologies
DescriptionIntroducing students to basic rules and procedures when administering computer networks. The course addresses the main characteristics of computer networks regardless of their size. Acquiring practical knowledge necessary for administering computer networks. Through examples from the practice, students will be introduced to the method of administering computer networks and adjusting network devices. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to independently apply acquired knowledge for design and configuration of computer networks.
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, labs, colloquiums and final exam. Consultations

English Language 5

CourseEnglish Language 5
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionDevelopment and improvement of students’ English language skills in the context of Information and Communication Technology at intermediate language level.
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, project, reading, mid-term exams, final exam. Consultations.

XML technologies

Course XML technologies
Study program Academic studies: Information systems
Status Obligatory Semestar Winter(IV) ECTS/CSPK 6
Description This course introduces basic concepts of XML technologies. Students will acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, and they will be able to use XML technologies in software systems.
Preconditions No preconditions
Teaching methods lectures, exercises, consultations, colloquiums and final exam


English Language 6

CourseEnglish Language 6
Study programAcademic Studies: Information Technology
DescriptionDevelopment and improvement of students’ English language skills in the context of Information and Communication Technology at intermediate language level.
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, project, reading, mid-term exams, final exam. Consultations.

Intelligent systems

Course Intelligent systems
Study program Academic Studies: Information Technology
Status Obligatory Semester Summer(VI) ECTS/CSPK 6
Description Mastering the basic concepts, techniques, languages ​​and tools for creating intelligent software systems
Preconditions There are no preconditions, but it is desirable for students to master the material of the subject of XML technology
Teaching methods Lectures, exercises, homework.

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

CourseHuman Computer Interaction (HCI)
Study programAcademic studies: Computer Networks and Telecommunications
DescriptionHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI) is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. On the practical side, this means the principles and methods with which one builds effective user interfaces. A basic precept of HCI is that users should be able to get things done through the computer, without having to pay attention to the intricacies of complex software. Interfaces must be accessible, meaningful, visually consistent, comprehensive, accurate, and oriented around the tasks that users tend to perform. The course will provide a balance of practical and theoretical knowledge, giving students experience ordinarily not provided by other courses in computer science.
PreconditionsThere are no formal prerequisites, but in order to successfully follow lectures and master the field, students need a basic knowledge of Software and Information Systems Design.
Teaching methods

This course will include lectures, practical exercises, in-class discussions, case studies, presentations, guest speakers, individual student research and short presentation, and a final group project presentation.

Use of the Moodle Learning platform to further support communication, by posting lecture notes, assignment instruction, timely announcements, and online quizzes or submission of assignments.


Study programAcademic studies: Information systems
DescriptionThe student, in cooperation with the professor who is the mentor in the design of the project, identifies the problem from the practice in the field of information and communication technologies which can be solved using the acquired knowledge in basic studies. The student's independent work on the project development demonstrates the practical application of knowledge and develops / implements a solution that provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the overall knowledge acquired in the field of ICT with special qualifications in the field of information (information systems, computer networks, software engineering)
PreresquisitesThe student can take the exam only after previously passing all subjects at the undergraduate studies.
Teaching methodsLectures, exercises and laboratory exercises

Design and Develop of Computer Networks

CourseDesign and Develop of Computer Networks
Study program

Academic studies: Information technologies

Orientation: Computer Networks and Telecommunications

Status ObligatorySemesterSummer(VI)ECTS/CSPK6

The course covers methodology of designing and developing modern computer networks having in mind spatial distribution of users and network components. It covers design of physical components with login needed to secure proper functioning of network.

Teaching methodsLectures, practice, workshops, home works, exams and consultations.

Sigurnost i zaštita računarskih mreža

CourseComputer networks security
Study program

Academic studies: Information technologies

Orientation: Computer Networks and Telecommunications

DescriptionThrough the course students receive basic knowledge about the security issues and protection of computer systems.
PreconditionsNo prerequisites
Teaching methodsLectures, seminars, labs, colloquiums and final exam. Consultations.


Computer Network Administration

CourseComputer Network Administration
Study program

Academic studies: Information technologies 

DescriptionIntroducing students to basic rules and procedures when administering computer networks. The course addresses the main characteristics of computer networks regardless of their size. Acquiring practical knowledge necessary for administering computer networks. Through examples from the practice, students will be introduced to the method of administering computer networks and adjusting network devices. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to independently apply acquired knowledge for design and configuration of computer networks.
Teaching methodsLectures, practical classes, seminars, colloquia and final exam. Consultations.

Multimedijalni sistemi

Naziv predmetaMultimedijalni sistemi
Studijski programAkademske studije: Informacione tehnologije
Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK6
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Upoznavanje studenta sa svim aspektima savremenih multimedijalnih informacionih sistema.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaNastava se odvija kroz predavanja, diskusije uz primjenu multimedijalnih sadržaja i primjenom metoda za daljinsko obrazovanje. Vježbe obuhvataju praktičan rad sa izabranim alatima za e-učenje i projektni zadatak uz primjenu izabranih alata i tehnologija, analizu odabranih studija slučajeva.


Study program

Academic studies: Information technologies 

Orientation: Computer Networks and Telecommunications

DescriptionThe course covers basic graphical elements creation, graphical processing of existing elements, developing and designing of web content, processing of photography and adopting for publishing on web or other media, working with digital multimedia presentations and graphics projects.
Teaching methodsLectures, practice, workshops, home works, exams and consultations.

Tehničko održavanje računarskih mreža

Naziv predmetaTehničko održavanje računarskih mreža
Studijski programAkademske studije: Informacione tehnologije
Status predmetaizborniSemestarVIECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Objašnjenja i prikaz tehničkih principa, protokola i karakteristika rač. mreža. Upoznavanje sa osnovnim tehnologijama i održavanjem komponenti mreže. Analiza problema u mreži i pristupi njihovom rješavanju. Kroz praktični dio nastave organizovanim u okviru vježbi, studenti će se obučiti da prepoznaju kvarove i smetnje u radu mreža, da ih otklanjaju na elementarnom nivou, kao i da se korišćenjem softverskih paketa za  analizu  protokola detaljno upoznaju sa mogućnostima rješavanja problema u odvijanju mrežnog saobraćaja.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaPoloženi ispit iz Računarskih telekomunikacija
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaPredavanja, vježbe, seminarski, kolokvijumi i završni ispit.  Konsultacije

Upravljanje računarskim mrežama

Naziv predmetaUpravljanje računarskim mrežama
Studijski programAkademske studije: Informacione tehnologije
Status predmetaobavezniSemestarVECTS/CSPK5
Sadržaj predmeta (ciljevi izučavanja predmeta)Kroz ovaj predmet studenti se upoznaju sa principima upravljanja računarskih mreža kompanija kao mrežama provajdera.
Uslovljenost drugim predmetimaNema uslovljenosti
Metod nastave i savladavanja gradivaPredavanja, vježbe